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Monday, June 28

Baby B

i love this cute lil guy!
it was fun to try out some new ideas with him!
even if he was an ornery little stinker some of the time, he's SOOO CUTE.



Stephanie Kelly said...

OH MY GOSH.... I love everything about these photos. And there being a sweet chubby, yummy baby in the photos helps. I want to EAT HIM!

Anonymous said...

LMAO! I freakn love the picture of him crying with his mouth open. He is soooooo cute!

Unknown said...

Does it get cuter than that! Your pictures are pure art!
I want a chubby baby right now!

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh my goodness--your photography is amazing!!!
This baby is absolutely gorgeous!!!

I saw your photos on Frenchy's site (she's such a doll!)

I have a new website that is inspirational called I Owe it All to Him.

If you would like to send me a picture that you think is inspirational, I'd write a story to go with it and send a link to your blog...Just let me know if you'd like to do that...my site is new.
My email is: cindylou_20@hotmail.com

The Terry's said...

way cute!