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Wednesday, May 26

this is the real thing.

 I shot this beautiful wedding at the beginning of this month. My photog friend, Juanita referred me for this wedding! {that was SO sweet of her to do! geez, I love nice people!}

Anyway, this wedding was beautiful and different from any other wedding i've been to, and probably my favorite! these two are SO IN LOVE. it was inspirational, and I enjoyed being there and capturing these sweet moments.

I loved how stress-free they decided to keep everything. That's totally the way EVERYONE needs to do it. It was such a pleasant atmosphere, and their yard is GORGEOUS

Congrats to Bruce & Sophia!
[dangit! it's not letting me center these photos! urrggghh!]

i love this grandkids shot. notice NONE of the kids are looking. isn't this how it really is??


Anonymous said...

Mmm.. They had some yummy looking food!

Juanita said...

Aww, These are beautiful! I love the ones durring the ceremony, so sweet! I'm so glad you could be there for them!