Today, even though it was scheduled to rain (you can't ever trust this fickle southern utah weather), we decided to do our photoshoot anyway. Earlier. The sky was lookin like it wanted to rain. So we did these at 3:30! The light turned out being great...for the most part. It never did rain...on us. It ended up raining at like 8:00 p.m. So much for the weather ruining our plans! No, but what DID ruin our plans is me. Me and my camera. You see, mid-session, the battery died. Well , we were almost done. Or I tell myself that to keep from tearing up about it! I was SO MAD! But the kids were done. It all worked out. I've learned to FULLY charge my battery before a shoot, even if it says its almost all the way full. That silly camera.
Tragedy aside, I was AMAZED at what we DID get. It was great fun and I wish we could have gone on longer....
Here are a few, well you know me, MORE than a few
of these super cute kidlets...
Tragedy aside, I was AMAZED at what we DID get. It was great fun and I wish we could have gone on longer....
Here are a few, well you know me, MORE than a few
of these super cute kidlets...

Hope you like them Melanie, I do!! Tell your cute kids GOOD JOB!
I LOVE THEM!!! They all turned out so cute! I was sad Peyton didn't smile, but I love all his faces in them anyways!! Seriously though, don't worry about the battery dying! That stuff happens!! THANK YOU so much, they turned out so well!!!! I love the one of the boys kissing ella. that one is TOTALLY going in a frame on the wall! You are awesome alecia! Thank you!
Alecia, these look great! what program do you use to edit them?
SOOOO cute!!!!! My fave is the one of her in the hat! That's a REALLY great pic, I like it best in the black and white. And the one in the tree is really cute too! They all turned out great!! Good job!!! :D
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